What is Imbolc? Snowdrops are a key symbol of Imbolc
29 Jan 2024
Imbolc, celebrated around February 1st or 2nd marks the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It is a Celtic festival that signifies the early signs of spring and the awakening of the earth from its winter slumber.
Samhain in Glastonbury
23 Oct 2023
Samhain is the end and the beginning of the Celtic New Year, an affirmation of rebirth in the midst of death and darkness, the end and death of the old year, bringing opportunity for renewal and new beginnings.
25 Sep 2023
Queen Elizabeth II’s unprecedented Platinum Jubilee anniversary was a wonderful opportunity for Glastonbury to celebrate our unique association and relationship with the Royal Family of this sceptred isle.
How to celebrate Autumn Equinox
20 Sep 2023
The Autumn Equinox is a moment of balance and reflection. It invites us to celebrate the harvest, embrace gratitude, and seek equilibrium in our lives.
People climbing Glastonbury Tor for Summer Solstice in Glastonbury
9 Jun 2023
Celebrate the Summer Solstice in Glastonbury, a time of transition and renewal. Head to Glastonbury Tor for sunrise and embrace the beautiful flowing symmetry of nature’s cycles.
May Day Celebrations Glastonbury
24 Apr 2023
Join the dragon procession on the High street and witness the ceremony at Tor Fair Field during the May Day celebrations in Glastonbury.
Is Stonehenge near Glastonbury?
3 Feb 2023
The distance between Glastonbury and Stonehenge is about 40 miles as the crow flies and slightly longer by road. Driving time is just over 1 hour via A303.
2 Jul 2022
Here in Glastonbury, we are blessed to have many different events over the course of the year. We have faerie balls and May Day parades, zombie walks and an annual, world-renowned Goddess Conference.
Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury Festival
26 Jun 2022
Visitors to the Centre are always surprised when they find out that Glastonbury Festival, the world-famous pop concert in a field which attracts around 210,000 people from all around the globe, is not actually here in Glastonbury.

We've moved!

You can now find us in the Small Hall within the Town Hall. The Town Council Reception, Tourist Information and the Pilgrims Reception look forward to seeing you!

The current Glastonbury Information Centre building is currently being renovated as part of the Town Deal.

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