Glastonbury to Commemorate the 80th Anniversary of D-Day

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Glastonbury Town Council, alongside Mohammed Saddiq, Lord-Lieutenant of Somerset and Ted Allen, Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Somerset, will commemorate the 80th Anniversary of D-Day this Thursday, the 6th of June, with an all day programme featuring Mayor Lokabandhu, Pilot Philip Beckinsale, Glastonbury’s faith leaders and local school children. All townspeople and visitors are […]

Grand Reopening of the Glastonbury Museum at the Tribunal

Glastonbury Museum at The Tribunal 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Glastonbury Tribunal at 9 High Street, BA6 9DP, has been re-opened for the summer 2024 season as the Town’s Museum, and latest attraction. Thanks to a partnership between Glastonbury Town Council, the Glastonbury Antiquarian Society and English Heritage, the 15th century monument will be open to the public every day each […]

How to Spend Easter In Glastonbury

The old saying that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb may be a bit optimistic this year, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t tons of fun events on all over Avalon, for young and old. Avalon Archaeology at the Avalon Marshes Centre is hosting a series of family-friendly […]

How to celebrate Autumn Equinox

How to celebrate Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox is a moment of balance and reflection. It invites us to celebrate the harvest, embrace gratitude, and seek equilibrium in our lives.

We've moved!

You can now find us in the Small Hall within the Town Hall. The Town Council Reception, Tourist Information and the Pilgrims Reception look forward to seeing you!

The current Glastonbury Information Centre building is currently being renovated as part of the Town Deal.

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