Home / Shop / Pilgrimage / Glastonbury Unity Candle Large
This large Unity Candle, made for us by Starchild in Glastonbury, has been charged with a unique magical herbal infusion made from herbs, trees and flowers, including the Glastonbury Thorn. These are collected in tune with the cycles of the Moon from various sites in and around Glastonbury.
It comes with a taper lit from the original Unity Candle activated flame so you can use it to ignite your own Unity Candle and extend the light further into the world. The Unity Candle is not only a beautiful addition to any home, but it is also the perfect candle for wedding ceremonies.
34cm tall
This large Unity Candle is not available to purchase anywhere else in Glastonbury.
4 in stock
Delivery £6.99 (Standard)
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